Saturday, February 14, 2009

Blue is the new Green?

For all you earth-lovin'/creation saving/treehugger/eco-defender types who are also addicted to your portable technology, you may now rejoice: Samsung has released a solar powered phone! Guess they're tired of "green" because they've called it "Blue Earth." There are some skeptics out there, and they do make some good points, but apparently we have to wait a while to get this phone anyways so there's some time to get our hopes up. Oh, and by "eco friendly" they don't just mean "we won't suck juice out of the wall" but also "we won't poison you with our products." I always like that. Consistency people, it's a good thing.

New dream list: phones I don't need to charge, cars I don't need to charge, backpacks that charge the things I do need to charge... Who needs grid, anyways, right?


april said...

Oooh, a backpack that charges things? Then i won't need three charger cords in my backpack and it will surely weigh 5 pounds less, huzzah! And it could work by the motion of walking from my car to class, since there is no suitable public transit to my uni. :( And i'd have to walk from the station/stop anyway. You invent it.

Aquajag said...

I'm not the inventor type! And besides, last I read someone had a prototype out... that was just a few years ago, and I'm still waiting.