Monday, February 9, 2009

Stolen Identity! Who am I?

No, not really. Only in a virtual sense. Online, I am usually Aquajag. My oldest email address has that, and nearly every game I've played my name has been Aquajag. If you've blown off Aquajag's head, that was me; if you got chopped to pieces by Aquajag, that was me; if you're currently embroiled in an intergalactic war for universal military dominance with Aquajag, that's me. Only when trying to get "aquajag" on MSN or AIM have I had problems. Until, that is, I tried to take "" and found that some other dude took it! My Identity! Lost! Who am I?? Now when Agent Smith calls me Mr. Welch (cause inevitably he'll be a moron and not realize that if I'm anything, I'm Mr. Garbat-Welch) I won't be able to say "My Name... is Aquajag!" because some other dude took it. Once, anyways.

But despite that, I insist that I am Aquajag. Even though I'm not aquajag.blogspot, I refuse to let go so easily...

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