Friday, February 20, 2009

It's the Money, Stupid!

I believe that there are very few policies or structures or even just plain normal things that go on in the USA (or the rest of the world, for that matter) that are not primarily motivated by economics and economic security. Luta has been advocating against rising cesarean rates for a while now, and sent me an article on repeat cesareans and the problem with them. There's a few things in there that tie into making money, but here's one quote that boils it down to money: ' "It's a numbers thing," says Dr. Shelley Binkley, an ob-gyn in private practice in Colorado Springs who stopped offering VBACs in 2003. "You don't get sued for doing a C-section. You get sued for not doing a C-section." ' There are health concerns either way, and no one should be saying that all we need is one option. But what they are saying is that people need choices, and they need to have the right information to make an informed choice. Leaning on people and skewing information so that they make a particular decision that benefits the provider more than the reciever should not be a practice in health care. I think that the decisions should be made based on what is best for the health of the reciever, not what makes the most money.

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