Monday, December 20, 2010

Fear of Flying

Flying has not really bothered me in the past. I'm not the biggest fans of take off's or landings, but they don't bother me much. And unless it's really bumpy, I tend to not mind flights at all. Other than being cramped and dry when I land. But it's not the flying, or fear of a plane crashing or anything like that. It's annoyance with the details that has always gotten to me.

Getting to the plane has always been the most stressful thing. Making sure I'm on time, that I haven't forgotten anything, that it all will work... I tend not to relax until I'm sitting at the gate. Now, there's a whole new bunch of stress with security concerns! Will they search my stuff? Pat down? Full Body scan? Did I accidentally pack a liquid? Did I pack too many? Is there something that might resemble something that might be something sharp? Did I separate all my electronics? Did I really need to carry them? Will I fit this stupid bag under my seat?

Flying is almost not worth it, between paying to actually have clothes when I land and having the clothes I'm wearing searched carefully. And the silly thing is, I'm not afraid of flying. I just hate the hassle of everything I go through before I'm actually allowed to fly.

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