Friday, November 19, 2010

Good Unhealthy Food

Today Luta and I were out doing doctors appointments, so we took the day off to handle the stress. In between appointments we went to lunch at a restaurant we had not tried before: Wild Eggs. Mostly breakfast food, but also with sandwiches and alcoholic drinks! Kind of interesting to walk into a place that give the impression of being a diner, mostly serves breakfast/brunch/lunch food, and have a drink menu put down that includes blended drinks and spiked coffee! The food was awesome. So many good choices on the menu, and when we got ours I concluded that the ingredients must be awesome. The mushrooms had a strong flavor, which is rare with store mushrooms or anything out of a can! The food was excellent.

While eating it, I realized that I was also fairly certain that the food was unhealthy! The "Everything Muffin" tasted incredibly fluffy and buttery, similar to a dinner roll only much better. Luta's pancakes (a new item that is not on the online menu) had a similar light buttery taste to them, and I'm sure the toppings were loaded up with sugar (lemon, raspberry, and sugar. How can you go wrong??). Of course, all of that added to how awesome the food is, so please realize I am not complaining in the slightest.

However I am also saying that eating good food does not mean eating healthy! The two do not have to be synonymous. When people see what I eat (often what might be termed local, or organic, or slow, food) they conclude that I must be eating healthy, because of the type of food I am choosing to eat. To a degree, they are right: generally low sodium and low sugar, and we don't use a ton of fat either. And we try to avoid preservatives and eat fresh ingredients. But it is wrong to conclude that I never eat desserts, or that I eat in a healthy way. I have no idea where the ingredients came from before they turned into my food at Wild Eggs, but even if they are local and organic and seasonal, I really don't want to know how many calories were in our meals because I'm sure it is too much! Would that stop me from going back there? Not in the slightest.

I try to be healthy. But "good food" is only the start. Eating that food in a good way is the next step.


april said...

Great food commentary post! I think this is true of many green-washed things too. :)

Ah, and it made me hungry. Time to go find my leftover pizza....

love lots.

Aquajag said...

Well I wouldn't put this in the category of greenwashing. They didn't have any claims about the healthiness of their food, whereas with greenwashing I understand that to be claims of "green," "enviro-friendly" things that are, in fact, not.

In my mind it would be similar to buying green products, say, CFL light bulbs, and then leaving every bulb in the house on 24/7. Yes, enviro-friendly products, but not an enviro-friendly lifestyle.