Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Road-less Travel

In CPE today, during our group time, there were various sharings of feeling lost in life right now from various people. While listening, my eyes wandered onto the bookshelf across the room, looking at titles (bookshelves are often distractions). And in that wandering, I saw again a book title "The Road Less Traveled." And my mind played with that, and turned it into "Roadless Travel." That thought seemed fairly pertinent to the discussion at hand...

Roadless Travel sounds to me like something that could be thrilling, or very disorienting. On the thrilling theme, it sounds like trailblazing! Setting forth into an area where no one has created a road before, or even a path. Exploring new territory: having new experiences, meeting new people, all kinds of exciting ways to grow and expand one's world view. A great, thrilling, adventure! Roadless Travel, here we come!

On the disorienting theme, it sounds like wandering in a wilderness. Stuck in a hostile environment, wondering if I will get out in time before I die, and no road or sign or path or smoke signals or anything at all to indicate a way out. Nothing at all. Desperate for a road, we travel aimlessly. Possibly we travel in circles, making a 1 year journey turn into a 40 year journey. Possibly we give up, and become one of the many skeletons dotting the landscape of "The Farside" cartoons.

Roadless Travel, please save me from it!

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