Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Don't Get It

EMS brought another dead body to the hospital tonight. That's two in a week that I know of.

Someone finds a loved one in the house. They call 911: good idea! 911 sends an ambulance: good idea! The ambulance arrives to find that the person is without pulse, has been so for 10 or more minutes, and is gray, so they begin CPR, plug them full of meds, and zap them. Then EMS loads the person into the ambulance and races off, even though there has been no response: Um, waste of time idea? Then EMS arrives at the hospital, unloads the dead body (while still doing CPR and cramming every medication imaginable into it), and our ER staff calls a Code Blue and goes to work: Wait, I'm lost.

At this point they've been dead a half hour. Or more. What, exactly, are we trying to accomplish here? If God wanted this person revived, the ER staff is no better at performing miracles than the EMS were. That's up to God. So why exactly is one of the nurses standing over the body doing chest compressions? We knew they were dead on arrival...

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