Thursday, June 19, 2014

An Ultimate Dichotomy

It seems popular to divide the world into dichotomies. This rings especially true when I think of people talking about forces at work: Good vs. Evil, light vs. dark, black vs. white. Though that last seems to have fallen out of favor in America due to racial tensions, those dichotomies are the common ones. Heaven vs Hell: how many stories pit these two forces against each other? Light side of the force vs. the dark side. It's common in so many stories.

Usually goes something like this: “There are two forces at work in the world, in competition, in constant struggle. Both trying to get the upper hand. You are needed!” Or the main character, or some random prophecy making you the dude/chick who will unbalance/save everything. There's a new wave of stories helping teens feel special. The teen in the stories is odd, stands out in a society of conformity. And they don't know why! Turns out, they are special! They are the special son of a Greek god. Or the only one who is not part of one group but all three. Or has a special taste for vampires. Or whatever. It puts them into the conflict: world vs. this group, and this group equals me. Makes me very important.

I digress.

Because it's not the teen stories that I'm thinking of, but the dichotomy. Good vs. evil, light vs. dark, cold vs. heat. But what is often said of these things? That one is in existence, and the other is a void. Evil is not an entity in and of itself, some say, because then we'd have a counter point to the Creator. Instead, Evil is an absence of Good. Just as cold does not exist on it's own, but rather is an absence of heat. And dark simply means there is no light there. You can't shine a dark light, or make a darkness, all you can do is block light. You don't make cold, you remove heat until things freeze. So it seems evil does not create, but rather is what happens when goodness goes away.

So what does it mean then to say that there are two forces at work in the world? If evil is just an absence of good, how can it be a side in the ultimate struggle of whatever? Perhaps we mean that on one side are those who are filled with good, and on the other are those who lack it. But then it is a spectrum, so how good or un-good do you need to be to be on a side?

Or perhaps we're wrong to say that evil/cold/dark do not exist on their own. Yes, we can only make them by removing good/heat/light, but we do measure those things. Light has lumen, heat has temperature. If we say it is only 1 kelvin, we are not saying we removed X kelvins of heat. Because there is no absolute heat or light or goodness measure. So how much have removed? Or how much have we prevented? Perhaps we can only conceive of these elements coming into existence by removal, but perhaps their existence is there already, since we measure them not as a removal, but on a scale.

Or perhaps we're thinking of the wrong dichotomy. If indeed each of these dichotomies exist of one thing, and the absence of that thing, then perhaps the ultimate This vs. That is Existence vs. Non-existence. Powered by entropy, shown itself in conflict. So the states of being could be measure as Tranquility vs. Conflict. We can measure both of these separately. The more tranquil, the less conflict. The more conflict, the less tranquil. But unlike light and dark, we can have both at the same time. I can be tranquil in my mind, as I ponder my wife and our relationship, while also stress and in conflict with the morons who are making me late for my flight home. I can have both.

I have heard it said often “peace is more than the absence of war.” War exists. It is not a lack of peace. For I can have lacks of peace that do not make war. Additionally lack of war does not make peace, for I can have an oppressive government, or people starving, or people struggling to live, even with no war.

Into the formless void, the Creator, who was ever in tranquil, peaceful communion and relationship with the triune self, spoke Stuff. Earth, water and land, stars, light and dark, sun and moon, night and day, animals, plants, people. Into the chaos of Entropy and the Nothing, the always existent Someone spoke and made Something. And the Nothing has been trying to get even ever sense, injecting conflict where there should be tranquility, motivating us to uncreate the creation.