Sunday, December 29, 2013

Baby Journal: Day 175

Dear Diary,

My Caretakers seem to have lost their minds. Again.

I started noticing some time back that they would ask me the same questions, over and over. I would be letting them know that my diaper needed changing, and they would say, "Baby hungry? Are you hungry? Do you need to eat? Is the baby hungry? Hungry?"

Alright, first of all, no, I'm not hungry, I'm dirty! Pay attention. Secondly, I heard you the first time! Asking me a dozen different ways doesn't change the answer!

This has gone on for some time. They seem totally unable to grasp the concept that repeating the same thing to me ten ways doesn't change reality. If I don't want the elephant toy, I don't want it! That's why I keep throwing it to the side, you know?

Recently a new madness has unveiled itself. They have started making odd hand gestures with many of the words they say. I have noticed repetition here. Perhaps they have decided that verbal communication with me is something beyond their ability, and are trying a new form? Not sure yet. I will attempt repeating some of these silly motions back to them, and see what happens.

Baby Journal: Day 45

Dear Diary,

The Ceiling Fan continues to perplex me. It moves, and yet never moves! I can stare at it for hours, and it never leaves that spot on the ceiling. And yet, the blades never stop spinning! I want to look away, but they are just so mesmerizing, I cannot.

And then at other times, it is completely still. No matter how much I stare, it does nothing! It seems to function completely randomly.

I hope further study will reveal its secrets.