Tuesday, October 26, 2010


It’s a windy fall day, and I can see some trees getting blown around outside my window. I was watching, and saw leaves flying upwards! I’m used to thinking of leaves falling off of trees, littering the ground. And I used to think that the leaves hung on as long as they could, before finally losing their grip and fluttering to the ground, separated from their kin and the tree that nurtured them. This morning, a new thought came to mind as I watched the leaves blow off the trees and fly up into the sky.

What if they weren’t losing their grip and being blown off the tree against their will? What if they were letting go, and riding the air currents with great excitement?

“I’m scared Sally!”

“Don’t be Bob! Watch this! WEEEEEEEE!!!!”

I’ve jumped off a few cliffs and bridges into water. There is always the moment where I’m on the edge, feeling the fear of heights and slipping and hurting at the bottom, and I wonder if I should really do this. But then I decide to let go and leap, and feel the rush of excitement as I plummet towards the water. And when I surface, I often think of doing it again.

Letting go can be scary, or sad, but it can also be exciting. It all depends on one’s perspective.

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