Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Safety First!

If the next time you see me I look like I was looking for a cat in a bramble bush, face first, it is because I recently switched to a safety razor for shaving purposes. I hate having to switch cartridges in my razors all the time. And even though we have Preserve razors which are pretty good and relatively inexpensive (and recyclable! Always a plus), I still found it very annoying when on the second or third day of using a new cartridge, I was missing spots on my face. Multiple directions, multiple strokes, nothing I could think of could get me a clean shave! So, I decided to try out safety razors. Mine just came in the mail, and I saw it as a good excuse to practice constructive procrastination, and just tried it out! I should have read this first, but I still managed to not kill myself.

And even though my face burns (really, don't apply pressure! Lesson learned), I finally have a close shave! It's wonderful, though a bit bloody.

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