But that was only what caught my attention at first. What really hooked me when it was mentioned that COEXIST had members there who got kicked out. Ok, so, it's possible that someone wants to deal with racism, but isn't interested in peace. But the concept of COEXIST, I had assumed, would include peacefulness. Living and coexisting together is more than just not hating each other, we need to know how to get along, work together, like one another to a degree, or so I had thought. But apparently there is a limit to their tolerance.
I'm not entirely sure if the COEXIST that was there is connected to the two things I've seen, but if not then that means there are at least three COEXIST's out there, and frankly that's a little ridiculous. The first I saw came from Bono:

Ok, so I have no idea who the COEXISTers were who got kicked out!
But in any case, the name to me just doesn't seem to match the kind of obnoxious, inflammatory behavior that was exhibited. Yes, there were reasons to be upset with the person who was speaking. Yes, things need to be done. But it seems a bit hypocritical to be all about coexisting, saying we can all get along, but not being willing to deal with bigots and racists. Hey, there are a lot of bigots and racists out there! There's no avoiding them! And I'm not convinced that it's possible to erase that from people entirely, so if you really want total coexistence, either you need to figure out how to erase bigotry/racism from those people, or learn to live with them anyways. Or, as I'm more assuming, realize that you can't really have total coexistence so long as people are broken and imprefect, and change what your goals are.